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Product information

EasyInvoice is an automatic and flexible solution for electronic invoicing, invoice services, factoring and print-outs.

EasyInvoice connects the invoice sender and the recipient by

  1. translating your invoice to your chosen format (e-invoice, factoring, printing etc)
  2. sending your invoice (for e.g. to your bank)
  3. archiving your invoice


EasyInvoice is automatically integrated in your invoice system. Without any settings you can install and use EasyInvoice yourself. EasyInvoice is installed and used just like a printer.


Our guarantees- your safety


Connect the invoice sender and recipient:




The invoice sender and recipient are connected through our partners. The leading banks of Sweden use EasyInvoice to provide their customers with a tool for electronic invoicing. Go to Partners to se which services our partners provide.


For invoice recipients

Now all your suppliers can send their invoices to you electronically using EasyInvoice. Without using scanning you will receive your invoice flow electronically. As an invoice recipient you can demand to receive invoices electronically, making use of the advantages that electronic flow offers you.


Our solution with EasyInvoice provides your financial department and your suppliers with an automatic solution.


For invoice senders

Make all your invoice flows electronic through EasyInvoice. Send your invoices directly to the recipient by printing them with EasyInvoice. You can also use EasyInvoice for invoice services like invoice credit and factoring on file.


EasyInvoice is:

Easy to use

Completely automatic



Cost efficent







© 2025 ezInvoice AB